IR @ Goa University

Browsing Goa Business School by Author "Desai, S."

Browsing Goa Business School by Author "Desai, S."

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  • Desai, S.; Pawar, J.D.; Bhattacharya, P. (Proc. COLING 2012 Mumbai. 2012; 103-110.)
    A Morphological Analyzer is a crucial tool for any language. In popular tools used to build morphological analyzers like XFST, HFST and Apertium's lttoolbox, the finite state approach is used to sequence input characters. ...
  • Desai, S.; Desai, Neenad; Pawar, J.D.; Bhattacharya, P. (Proc. 11. Int. Conf. on Natural Language Processing, Goa, India. 2014; 154-162.)
    In this paper, we discuss a rule based method which automatically assigns paradigms to Konkani nouns using morphophonemic rules, stem formation rules and relevance score of the paradigms. The first contribution is computation ...
  • Prabhu, V.; Desai, S.; Redkar, H.H.; Prabhugaonkar, N.R.; Nagvenkar, A.; Karmali, R. (24. Int. Conf. Computational Linguistics, IIT Bombay, India. 2012;)
    WordNet is a crucial resource that aids in Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks such as Machine Translation, Information Retrieval, Word Sense Disambiguation, Multilingual Dictionary creation, etc. The IndoWordNet is a ...
  • Walawalikar, S.; Desai, S.; Karmali, R.; Naik, S.; Ghanekar D.; D'Souza, C.; Pawar, J.D. (3. Int. Global WordNet Conf. (IIT, Bombay). 2010.)
    WordNet can be described as an electronic lexical database available on-line as a powerful resource to the researchers in the area of computational linguistics, text processing and many other related areas. Currently, the ...
  • Desai, S.; Pawar, J.D.; Bhattacharya, P. (Proc. 5. Workshop on South and Southeast Asian NLP; 25. Int. Conf. on Computational Linguistics, Dublin, Ireland. 2014; 28-36.)
    Unsupervised learning of morphology is used for automatic affix identification, morphological segmentation of words and generating paradigms which give a list of all affixes that can be combined with a list of stems. Various ...
  • Desai, S.; Pawar, J.D.; Bhattacharyya, P. (Proc. of the 12. Int. Conf. on Natural Language Processing (ICON-2015), Ed. by: Dipti Misra Sharma, Rajeev Sangal, Elizabeth Sherly. IIITM-Kerala, Trivandrum. 2016; vp.)
    Automatic selection of morphological paradigm for a noun lemma is necessary to automate the task of building morphological analyzer for nouns with minimal human interventions. Morphological paradigms can be of two types ...

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