Physical & Applied Sciences: Recent submissions

  • Suresh, T.; Dias, A.B.; Desa, J.A.E.; Sahay, A. (Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing. 46(4); 2018; 625-631.)
    A simple method to determine the slope of spectral variations of combined absorption of the colored dissolved organic matter and detritus (CDM) is presented. This method uses the slope of total absorption spectrum excluding ...
  • Sarode, P.R.; Asakura, K.; Priolkar, K.R.; Hegde, M.S. (AIP Conference Proceedings. 1953(1); 2018; Article ID 070009.)
    To understand the higher catalytic properties, the structure of 2 at. percent palladium supported on TiO sub(2) has been investigated by Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy. This nanocatalytic ...
  • Bhamu, K.C. (AIP Conference Proceedings. 1953(1); 2018; Article ID 130023.)
    Density functional theory and quasi-harmonic Debye model has been used to study the thermodynamic properties of 2H-CuInO2. At the optimized structural parameters, pressure (0 to 80 GPa) dependent variation in the various ...
  • Naik, M.S.; Sarode, P.R.; Priolkar, K.R.; Prabhu, R.B. (AIP Conference Proceedings. 1953(1); 2018; Article ID 120018.)
    Superconducting compounds of composition Y sub(0.9) Pr sub(0.1Ba sub(2 [Cu sub(1-yZny] sub(3)O sub(7-delta) (0 less than or equal to y less than or equal to 0.10) have been synthesized. The structure of these materials has ...
  • Raghavendra, R.; Vetrekar, N.; Raja, K.B.; Gad, R.S.; Busch, C. (24. Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Beijing, China, 20-24 Aug 2018; 2018.)
    Presentation attacks on Face Recognition System (FRS) have incrementally posed challenges to create new detection methods. Among the various presentation attacks, disguise attacks allow concealing the identity of the ...
  • Marchon, N.; Naik, G.M.; Pai, R. (Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 44; 2018; 191-199.)
    We propose a novel technique which uses a linear phase sharp transition finite impulse response filter with reduction in band edge ripples due to Gibb's phenomenon. This is accomplished by a slope matching technique. This ...
  • Maurya, S.; Sharma, R.; Bhamu, K.C. (AIP Conference Proceedings. 1942(1); 2018; ArticleID_120003.)
    The first principle investigation of structural, electronic, magnetic and optical properties of Ba sub(1-x)TM sub(x)S (x = 0.25) have been done using FPLAW method within the density functional theory (DFT) using generalized ...
  • Raut-Dessai, R.; Desa, J.A.E.; Sen, D.; Babu, P.D. (AIP Conference Proceedings. 1942(1); 2018; ArticleID_050052.)
    Nickel oxide nanopowder was synthesized by sol gel method using nickel nitrate as the starting material. Nickel oxide nanoparticles with a grain size of 15-90 nm have been studied by; small angle neutron scattering; scanning ...
  • Nevgi, R.; Priolkar, K.R.; Righi, L. (AIP Conference Proceedings. 1942(1); 2018; ArticleID_030016.)
    The temperature dependent x-ray diffraction and magnetization measurements on the off stoichiometric Ni sub(2)Mn sub(1+x) In sub(1-x) alloys have confirmed the appearance of martensite at critical Mn concentration of x=0.35. ...
  • Alavani, B.K.; Gaude, P.P.; Pai, R.V. (AIP Conference Proceedings. 1942(1); 2018; ArticleID_030005.)
    We investigate zero temperature and finite temperature properties of the Bose Hubbard Model in the hard core limit using Random Phase Approximation (RPA) and Cluster Mean Field Theory (CMFT). We show that our RPA calculations ...

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