Tharakan, K.(Exploring the Realm of the Mental: Cognition, Emotion and Volition, Ed. by Nirmalya Narayan Chakraborty. 2024; 30-42.)
Husserl's motivation for philosophising stems from his concern with the incompleteness of knowledge claims made by the "positive sciences". By positive sciences, he means the empirical sciences that construe the world of ...
Sawaiker, V.; Tharakan, K.(Eastern Journal of Dialogue and Culture. 17(2); 2024; 105-113.)
Dialogical pedagogy, a species of 'constructivist pedagogy', has been in vogue in recent decades in many countries, including India. One may trace the use of the phrase 'Dialogical Pedagogy' in Paulo Freire's writings that ...
D'Mello, A.; PaiVernekar, S.D.(Ravenshaw Journal of Philosophy. 8; 2022; 62-75.)
The paper explores the relevance of Derrida's Deconstruction and Ethics in the world today. It begins by analyzing how Derrida came about with Deconstruction as his way of understanding reality around him. It then dissects ...
Fernandes, J.M.; Tharakan, K.(Eastern Journal of Dialogue and Culture. 15(2); 2022; 81-92.)
Cultural prejudices and religious biases have often come in the way of sustainable peace among Nations and communities. In the current milieu, the geopolitics that we witness often result in ethnic and National conflicts ...
Tharakan, K.; Chattopadhyay-Mukherjee, P.(Samyukta: A Journal of Gender and Culture. 7(2); 2022; ArticleID_45.)
The phrase 'at home' connotes familiarity, happiness and safety, while the image of an 'outsider' evokes the opposite sentiments. It is ironical and a seeming contradiction to feel as an 'outsider' in one's own home. Though ...
Kamat, N.M.; PaiVernekar, S.D.; Kerkar, S.(Latin American International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities-II, Colombia, 5-7 Apr 2022. 2022; 244-249.)
This paper in bioethical dimension of tropical disease management, attempts to present the importance of understanding the origin, prevalence, morbidity, and mortality of various tropical Zoonotic diseases in former ...
Kamat, N.M.(Proc. of International Archeology, Art History and Cultural Heritage Congress, Adana-Turkey, 13-14 Nov 2021. 2021; 269-286.)
The author has worked since 1993 on prehistoric rock art of Goa and west coast of India and this paper presents a new hypothesis about the role of the different schools of shamans in the creation of more than 1200 petroglyphs ...