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Reconstructing religious capital in exile: The Tibetan influence on Monastic Education of Buddhists from Ladakh, India

Show simple item record Coelho, J.P. 2025-02-24T10:35:33Z 2025-02-24T10:35:33Z 2025
dc.identifier.citation Journal of Asian and African Studies. NYP; 2025; NYP. en_US
dc.description.abstract This paper explores the Tibetan influence in monastic education of Ladakhi Buddhists in India. The reconstructed Tibetan Buddhist monasteries in India post the Tibetan exodus in 1959 serve as training grounds for thousands of monastics from Ladakh. The fieldwork for this qualitative research study was conducted in Leh, Ladakh, and the Tibetan settlement of Mungod in Karnataka. On the basis of interview guides, interview schedules, focus group discussions and non-participant observation, this paper argues that the religious capital of Tibetan Buddhism has had an integral role in shaping the spiritual education and life worlds of the Buddhist monastics of Ladakh. en_US
dc.publisher Sage en_US
dc.subject Sociology en_US
dc.title Reconstructing religious capital in exile: The Tibetan influence on Monastic Education of Buddhists from Ladakh, India en_US
dc.type Journal article en_US
dc.identifier.impf y

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