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Upper circumpolar deep water influences microbial functional gene composition and diversity along the southern Central Indian Ridge and eastern Southwest Indian Ridge

Show simple item record Fernandes, S.O. Paul, D. Lankalapalli, S.P. Arvapalli, S.R. Vidya, P.J. Palayil, J.K. 2025-03-25T07:27:13Z 2025-03-25T07:27:13Z 2025
dc.identifier.citation Microbiology Spectrum. 13(2); 2025; ArticleID_03306-. en_US
dc.description.abstract Deep sea microbial communities play a significant role in global biogeochemical processes. However, the depth-wise metabolic potential of microbial communities in hydrothermally influenced Central Indian Ridge (CIR) and Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) remains elusive. In this study, a comprehensive functional microarray-based approach was used to understand factors influencing the metabolic potential of microbial communities and depth-driven differences in microbial functional gene composition in CIR and SWIR. Stratified water column sampling at surface, mid, turbid/plume layer, and near bottom was done along with pertinent environmental variables at various locations along the ridges. The majority of genes (approx. 38 percent -41 percent) throughout the water column in both regions encoded for C-cycling, particularly starch degradation indicating the predominance of heterotrophy. Genes encoding for nitrate reduction and arsenic and mercury resistance were enriched in the turbid and/or near-bottom waters, suggesting a localized influence of hydrothermally derived substrates on the metabolic potential of microbial communities. Indices for microbial functional gene diversity (H = 9.18) and evenness (J = 0.90) were highest for samples from turbid waters at SWIR. Potential temperature-salinity profiles showed the presence of nutrient-rich upper circumpolar deep water (UCDW) at greater than 2,000 m in the study areas. Principal component analysis revealed that inorganic nutrient availability largely influenced functional gene diversity in deeper waters. The study signifies that rather than hydrothermal input, nutrients brought into the region through the UCDW could have a larger impact on metabolic processes mediated by autochthonous microbial communities and consequently have implications on deep-sea productivity. en_US
dc.publisher American Society for Microbiology en_US
dc.subject Marine Sciences en_US
dc.title Upper circumpolar deep water influences microbial functional gene composition and diversity along the southern Central Indian Ridge and eastern Southwest Indian Ridge en_US
dc.type Journal article en_US
dc.identifier.impf y

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