IR @ Goa University

Business, Commerce, Economics & Computer Sciences

Business, Commerce, Economics & Computer Sciences

Recent Submissions

  • Bindal, M.; Kamat, V.V. (Proc. 8th International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing-CVIP 2023. 2024; 382-393.)
    Shape correspondence is a fundamental task of finding a map among the elements of a pair of shapes. Particularly, non-rigid shapes add to the challenge of computing correspondences as they have their respective metric ...
  • Bindal, M.; Kamat, V.V. (Journal of WSCG. 31; 2023; 323-330.)
    Understanding shapes is an organic process for us (humans) as this is fundamental to our interaction with the surrounding world. However, it is daunting for the machines. Any shape analysis task, particularly non-rigid ...
  • Bindal, M.; Kamat, V.V. (Ingenierie des Systemes d'Information. 29(4); 2024; 1405-1422.)
    Computing meaningful correspondences for shapes undergoing non-rigid deformations is a fundamental task, challenging shape analysis community for many decades. The functional map framework has emerged as a powerful tool ...
  • Shringare, A.; Dhume, P.; Pawaskar, P. (Text and Social Media Analytics for Fake News and Hate Speech Detection, Edi. by Hemant Kumar Soni, Sanjiv Sharma, G.R. Sinha. 2024; 146-165.)
    There was an upsurge in the spread of misinformation during the first and second wave of COVID-19 in India to the extent that, along with health hygiene, it also became important to practice information hygiene. Social ...
  • Pawaskar, P.; Dhume, P. (Trends in Business, Economics and Management, Ed. by Arjun Gope, Sanjib Banik, Biplab Lagardo, Sevika Debbarma. 2023; 97-105.)
    Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) mutual funds have garnered substantial attention and popularity in recent times. These funds transcend the confines of conventional financial metrics by incorporating environmental, ...
  • Pawaskar, P.; Nattuvathuckal, B. (Parikalpana: KIIT Journal of Management. 20(1); 2024; 163-180.)
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are revolutionizing the financial sector by offering solutions that cater to evolving customer expectations. These technologies provide more streamlined, innovative, ...
  • Lanjewar, M.; Morajkar, P.P.; Payaswini, P. (Multimedia Tools and Applications. 83(17); 2024; 50401-50423.)
    Potato diseases such as early and late blight are the most lethal diseases that can cause significant damage to potato production. Detecting these diseases early and making a precise diagnosis will help the farmers to ...
  • Jambotkar, M.; Velip, S.P. (Review of Finance and Banking. 16(1); 2024; 33-41.)
    In this research, we empirically evaluate whether Indian bullion market instruments glitter as a hedge or a safe haven against oil volatility shock before and during the Russia-Ukraine war. The wavelet coherence mechanism ...
  • Fadte, S.S.; Thakkar, G.; Pawar, J.D. (Proc. 20th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON). 2023; 393-397.)
    Konkani is a resource-scarce language, mainly spoken on the west coast of India. The lack of resources directly impacts the development of language technology tools and services. Therefore, the development of digital ...
  • Gaonkar, S.P.; Sukthankar, S.V. (African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure. 13(2); 2024; 274-284.)
    The growing popularity of cultural tourism destinations has been the subject of numerous studies for decades. These destinations significantly contribute to the tourism industry by promoting and developing tourism products, ...

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