Genetic engineering (GE), has taken the centre-stage of research for almost half-century and has made itself felt not only in the field of industry and environment, but very particularly in that of medicine and life. GE has been performed with microorganisms, plants, animals and - the Human system! Genetic engineering technologies have given tremendous benefits. Still the author cautions the need to remind ourselves of the ethical consequences of such research. We need to be careful of our desire to be gods. Without belittling or disparaging genetic research, the author hopes that our efforts and resources were spent on enhancing the life situation of all peoples in the basic essentials of life: food, water, shelter, education, employment, health, before we can think of scaling the heavens! She reminds us that great achievements have been accomplished and great disasters have been caused alike by humankind. The human person has the capacity to make or to break. The final plea of the author is: So then let us choose LIFE that we may LIVE - Editor.