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  • Sequeira, M.; Naik, G.M.; Parab, J.S.; Gad, R.S. (10. Nat. Symp. VLSI and Embedded System, 27-28 Apr 2017. Goa College of Engineering, Farmagudi, Goa. 2017; 4pp.)
    The voiceless community of our society use sign language to communicate their views to the general public. Sign Language is basically making gestures by combining arm and hand movement along various orientations with facial ...
  • Parab, J.S. (Python Programming Recipes for IoT Applications, Part of the Transactions on Computer Systems and Networks book series (TCSN). 2023; 49-87.)
    All over the world, people use the Raspberry Pi to learn the coding skills, build simple projects, implement simple clusters and a little bit of Edge computing. Raspberry Pi is considered as a low-cost pocket-sized ...
  • Sequeira, M.; Gaude, S.; Vishal, S.; Naik, G.M. (8 Ann. Nat. Symp. on VLSI and Embedded System, 8 Mar 2014. PCC, Verna, Goa. 2014; 95-101.)
  • Parab, J.S.; Gad, R.S.; Naik, G.M. (International Journal of Pure and Applied Research in Engineering and Technology (IJPRET). 2(9); 2014; 60-68.)
    The authors in this article have highlighted the novel soft core FPGA based digital spectrophotometer system for glucose measurement non -invasively. Authors selected the NIR region for glucose prediction since glucose ...
  • Vernekar, S.R.; Parab, J.S. (International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering. 8(4); 2019; 11296-11299.)
    With the advancements in technology constant efforts are being made towards making agriculture sustainable. Green Revolution made extensive use of chemical fertilizers to increase the crop yield, which gave the desired ...
  • Patil, S.; Naik, G.M.; Pai, R.; Gad, R.S. (Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 46; 2018; 67-75.)
    Invention of the microarray technology has rendered it possible to inspect the whole genome at once in cancer classification. However, in order to curtail the computational complexity and augment the accuracy of cancer ...
  • Tavares, N.G.; Gad, R.S. (Cognitive Informatics and Soft Computing, Ed. by: Mallick, P.; Balas, V.; Bhoi, A. and Zobaa, A. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 768. Springer, Singapore. 768; 2019; 795-805.)
    Human body physiology is regulated through the central neural control (CNS) which takes signal from the respiratory system and ambiance which signifies atmospheric pressure, temperature and various gases in the environment. ...
  • Nazareth, I.A.P.; Vernekar, S.R.; Gad, R.S.; Naik, G.M. (International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering. 4(3); 2016; 90-93.)
    This article reports the study of Cholesterol percentage in blood tissue in the presence of Salt and other major blood components like Urea, Glucose and Alanine. The response is measured in the 10 - 500 MHz range with ...
  • Kamat, R.K.; Naik, G.M.; Verenkar, V.M.S. (Analog Applications Journal. (Feb); 2001; 52-56.)
  • Nazareth, I.A.P.; Vernekar, S.R.; Gad, R.S.; Naik, G.M. (8 Ann. Nat. Symp. on VLSI and Embedded System, 8 Mar 2014. PCC, Verna, Goa. 2014; 38-42.)
  • Kamat, R.K.; Naik, G.M.; Tengshe, G.G. (Circuit Cellar (Ink). 105(Apr); 1999; 28-31.)
  • Kamat, R.K.; Naik, G.M. (Sensor Review. 22(4); 2002; 334-340.)
    As leading sensors of ambient conditions, temperature sensors act as important sensing devices. They are essential in a large variety of products. A variety of temperature sensors is available on the market to meet specific ...
  • Patil, S.; Naik, G.M.; Pai, K.R.; Gad, R.S. (Int. Conf. on Engineering and Technology (ICET), Mumbai, Krishna Palace Hotel, Mumbai. 27 Nov 2016. 2016; 5pp.)
    Invention of the microarray technology has facilitated considerable improvement in the survival rate of the cancer patients. Microarray gene expression data has a small sample size and a large dimension. In this paper we ...
  • Marchon, N.; Naik, G.M. (8 Ann. Nat. Symp. on VLSI and Embedded System, 8 Mar 2014. PCC, Verna, Goa. 2014; 211-216.)
  • Panem, C.; Gad, R.S.; Kaushik, B. (Microelectronics Journal. 116; 2021; ArticleID_105231.)
    In symmetric 3-D chip stacking, TSVs plays an important role and provides denser and fine pitches. The number of vertical links in 3-D mesh NoC topology is equal to 2 (N - (sup(3) square root N sup(2))), where N is the ...
  • Patil, S.; Naik, G.M.; Pai, K.R.; Gad, R.S. (International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering. 7(8); 2017; 137-139.)
    Accuracy of microarray gene expression based cancer classification depends on microarray image processing techniques. Image de-noising is one of the crucial step of the microarray image processing. Better the quality of ...

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