Physics: Recent submissions

  • Priolkar, K.R.; Bhobe, P.A.; Lobo, D.N.; D'Souza, S.W.; Barman, S.R.; Chakrabarti, A.; Emura, S. (Physical Review B. 87(14); 2013; Article ID: 144412.)
    Magnetism in Ni-Mn-Z (Z=Ga, In, Sn, Sb) Heusler alloys has so far been predominantly attributed to Rudermann-Kittel-Kasuya-Yoshida type interactions between Mn atoms. We investigate magnetic interactions in one such alloy, ...
  • Lobo, D.N.; Dwivedi, S.; daSilva, C.A.; Moreno, N.O.; Priolkar, K.R.; Nigam, A.K. (Journal of Applied Physics. 114(17); 2013; Article No. 173910.)
    The magnetic properties of Mn(2) Ni (1+ x )In(1- x ) (x = 0.5, 0.6, 0.7) and Mn(2- y) Ni (1.6+ y)In(0.4) (y = -0.08, -0.04, 0.04, 0.08) shape memory alloys have been studied. Magnetic interactions in the martensitic phase ...
  • Mishra, T.; Pai, R.V.; Mukerjee, S.; Paramekanti, A. (Physical Review B. 87(17); 2013; Article ID. 174504.)
    Kinetically frustrated bosons at half filling in the presence of a competing nearest-neighbor repulsion support a wide supersolid regime on the two-dimensional triangular lattice. We study this model on a two-leg ladder ...
  • Sharma, V.K.; Prabhudesai, S.A.; Raut-Dessai, R.; Desa, J.A.E.; Mitra, S. (AIP Conf. Proc. 2013; 918-919.)
    Diffusion of water confined in natural bentonite clay is studied using the quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS) technique. X-ray diffraction shows a well-defined crystalline structure of the clay with an interlayer ...
  • Lecointre, A.; Bessiere, A.; Priolkar, K.R.; Gourier, D.; Wallez, G.; Viana, B. (Materials Research Bulletin. 48(5); 2013; 1898-1905.)
    Materials with red long-lasting phosphorescence, such as MnII-doped diopsides, can be used for small animal in vivo imaging. CaMgSi2O6:Mn powders with various amounts of Mn were prepared by sol-gel to investigate their ...
  • Kothawale, M.M.; Tangsali, R.B.; Naik, G.K.; Budkuley, J.S. (Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism. 26(11); 2013; 3293-3298.)
    Bulk Ni0.55Zn0.45Fe2O4 samples were obtained by sintering their nanopowder at 1100 degrees C, 1200 degrees C, and 1300 degrees C. Improvement in crystallinity on sintering was identified from increase in intensity of the ...
  • Jagtap, S.; Rane, S.; Gosavic, S.; Mulik, U.; Amalnerkar, D. (Sensors and Actuators A-Physical. 197; 2013; 166-170.)
    Thermistors fit into the category of infra-red detectors commonly called thermal detectors which operate through the heating effects of the incident radiation. This thermal detector converts the infra-red radiation into ...
  • Jagtap, S.; Priolkar, K.R. (Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical. 183; 2013; 411-418.)
    This paper deals with synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles through two different baths: Ammonium zincate bath and sodium zincate bath. Synthesized ZnO nanoparticles were characterized by means of TG/DTA, FTIR, UV-vis, XRD, and ...
  • Dessai, R.R.; Desa, J.A.E.; Sen, D.; Mazumder, S. (Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 564; 2013; 125-129.)
    Ceramic powder has been synthesized from rice husk as the source of silica. In order to probe the evolution of its hierarchical mesoscopic and microscopic porous structure, the ceramic powder was compacted at different ...
  • Dessai, R.R.; Sharma, V.K.; Prabhudesai, S.A.; Mitra, S.; Desa, J.A.E.; Mukhopadhyay, R. (Journal of The Physical Society of Japan. 82; 2013; SA008-.)
    Diffusion of water confined in sodium bentonite clay is studied using the quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS) technique. Hydration of bentonite clay is characterized by several methods including X-ray diffraction and ...

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