Physics: Recent submissions

  • Basavaraju, N.; Sharma, S.; Bessiere, A.; Viana, B.; Gourier, D.; Priolkar, K.R. (Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics. 46(37); 2013; Article ID: 375401.)
    A new red-emitting long-lasting phosphorescence (LLP) material useful as biomarker for small animal in vivo imaging is presented. X-ray irradiated MgGa(2)O(4):Cr3+ is shown to be a suitable persistent phosphor emitting in ...
  • Ingle, K.E.; D'Sa, J.B.C.E.; Das, A.; Priolkar, K.R. (Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 347; 2013; 68-71.)
    Neutron diffraction studies as a function of temperature on solid solutions of MnSe and MnTe in the Se rich region are presented. Interestingly as Te is doped in MnSe, the structural transformation to NiAs phase diminishes, ...
  • Dhar, A.; Mishra, T.; Pai, R.V.; Mukerjee, S.; Das, B.P. (Physical Review A. 88(5); 2013; Article No. 053625 .)
    We study a system of hard-core bosons at half-filling in a one-dimensional optical superlattice. The bosons are allowed to hop to nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor sites. We obtain the ground-state phase diagram as a ...
  • Dhar, A.; Mishra, T.; Maji, M.; Pai, R.V.; Mukerjee, S.; Paramekanti, A. (Physical Review B. 87(17); 2013; Article no. 174501.)
    Motivated by experiments on Josephson junction arrays in a magnetic field and ultracold interacting atoms in an optical lattice in the presence of a "synthetic" orbital magnetic field, we study the "fully frustrated" ...
  • UmaSubramanian; Naik, S.J.; Tangsali, R.B.; Salker, A.V. (Journal of Luminescence. 134; 2013; 464-468.)
    In this paper we report the bluish green upconversion intrinsic photoluminescence (PL) observed at room temperature (RT) 300 K for the nanorange (27-50 nm) Ce3+ doped and undoped CoWO(4) powder samples sintered in air at ...
  • Desai, R.R.; Desa, J.A.E.; Aswal, V.K. (AIP Conference Proceedings 1447; 2012; 197-198.)
    Bentonite clay when hydrated increases its volume several fold to form a pliable mass. X-ray diffraction showed that as hydration increases, the crystalline peaks due to kaolinite, calcite and quartz are gradually replaced ...
  • Singh, M.; Dhar, Arya; Mishra, T.; Pai, R.V.; Das, B.P. (Physical Review A. 85(5); 2012; Article ID: 051604(R).)
    The Mott-insulator-superfluid transition for ultracold bosonic atoms in an optical lattice has been extensively studied in the framework of the Bose-Hubbard model with two-body on-site interactions. We analyze the additional ...
  • Desa, J.A.E. (American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conf. Proc. , 1447. 2012; 197-198.)
    Bentonite clay when hydrated increases its volume several fold to form a pliable mass. X-ray diffraction showed that as hydration increases, the crystalline peaks due to kaolinite, calcite and quartz are gradually replaced ...
  • Kothawale, M.M.; Tangsali, R.B.; Naik, G.K.; Budkuley, J.S. (Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism. 25(6); 2012; 1907-1911.)
    Nanoparticle Ni(1-x)Zn(x)Fe(2)O(4) (x = 0.35, 0.45) samples were prepared successfully via microwave assisted combustion method. Synthesis of nanosize materials at a low temperature using a domestic microwave oven is the ...
  • Ganorkar, S.; Priolkar, K.R.; Sarode, P.R.; Banerjee, A.; Rawat, R.; Emura, S. (Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter. 24(47); 2012; Article ID: 476003.)
    The effect of local structure on the magnetic and transport properties of the layered perovskites has been investigated. The samples PrBaCo(2)O(5+delta), (delta = 0.80 and 0.67) crystallize in the same 112 type tetragonal ...

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