Physics: Recent submissions

  • Raut-Dessai, R.; Desa, J.A.E.; Sen, D.; Mazumder, S. (Transactions of The Indian Ceramic Society. 71(4); 2012; 243-246.)
    A porous ceramics is obtained using rice husk as the source of silica. The modification of mesoscopic structure under different sintering conditions has been investigated using neutron scattering techniques and scanning ...
  • Kurdestany, J.M.; Pai, R.V.; Pandit, Rahul (Annalen Der Physik. 524(41702); 2012; 234-244.)
    We develop an inhomogeneous mean-field theory for the extended Bose-Hubbard model with a quadratic, confining potential. In the absence of this potential, our mean-field theory yields the phase diagram of the homogeneous ...
  • Dhar, A.; Maji, M.; Mishra, T.; Pai, R.V.; Mukerjee, S.; Paramekanti, A. (Physical Review A. 85(4); 2012; Article ID: 041602(R).)
    Motivated by experiments on Josephson junction arrays, and cold atoms in an optical lattice in a synthetic magnetic field, we study the "fully frustrated" Bose-Hubbard model with half a magnetic flux quantum per plaquette. ...
  • Pai, R.V.; Kurdestany, J.M.; Sheshadri, K.; Pandit, Rahul (Physical Review B. 85(21); 2012; Article ID: 214524.)
    An extensive study of Mott insulator (MI) and superfluid (SF) shells in Bose-Hubbard (BH) models for bosons in optical lattices with harmonic traps is presented. For this we apply the inhomogeneous mean-field theory ...
  • Danu, B.; BrijeshKumar; Pai, R.V. (EPL - Europhysics Letters. 100(2); 2012; Article ID: 27003.)
    We study a class of one-dimensional antiferromagnetic quantum spin-1/2 models using DMRG. The exchange interaction in these models decreases linearly with the separation between the spins, J(ij) = R - vertical bar i-j ...
  • Bessiere, A.; Lecointre, A.; Priolkar, K.R.; Gourier, D. (Journal of Materials Chemistry. 22(36); 2012; 19039-19046.)
    CaMgSi(2)O(6):Mn diopsides are used for in vivo long-lasting phosphorescence (LLP) imaging. Trapping defects involved in the LLP mechanism were investigated. On annealing Mn-doped diopsides at 1100 degrees C in an Ar-H-2 ...
  • Naik, S.J.; UmaSubramanian; Tangsali, R.B.; Salker, A.V. (Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics. 44(11); 2011; Article ID: 115404.)
    This paper deals with optical absorption and photoluminescence properties of nanorange (22-65 nm) luminescent materials Co(1-x)Ce(x)WO(4) (where x = 0.01, 0.015, 0.02, 0.025 and 0.03) sintered in air at various temperatures. ...
  • Raut-Dessai, R.; Desa, J.A.E.; Sen, D.; Mazumdar, S. (AIP Conf. Proc. 1349. 2011; 527-528.)
  • Tangsali, R.B.; Budkuley, J.S.; Keluskar, S.H.; Naik, G.K.; Watawe, S.C. (International Journal of Nanotechnology. 8(10 to 12); 2011; 948-962.)
    The amazing magnetic properties exhibited by nanoparticles Mn-Zn ferrites and their promising technological and medical applications have attracted much interest in recent years. Nanoparticle Mn-x Zn(1-x) Fe2O4 spinel ...
  • Lawrence, M.B.; Desa, J.A.E.; Aswal, V.K. (AIP Conf. Proc. 1349. 2011; 220-221.)
    A poly(vinyl alcohol)-borax cross-linked hydrogel has been studied by Small Angle Neutron Scattering as a function of borax concentration in the wave-vector transfer (Q) range of 0.017 Angstrom sup(-1) to 0.36 Angstrom ...

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