Physics: Recent submissions

  • Bessiere, A.; Jacquart, S.; Priolkar, K.R.; Lecointre, A.; Viana, B.; Gourier, D. (Optics Express. 19(11); 2011; 10131-10137.)
    ZnGa(2)O(4):Cr3+ is shown to be a new bright red UV excited long-lasting phosphor potentially suitable for in vivo imaging due to its 650 nm-750 nm emission range. Photoluminescence and X-ray excited radioluminescence show ...
  • Tangsali, R.B. (Mathematical Aspects of Physical Concepts and Physical Aspects of Mathematical Concepts, Ed. By: B.N. Bhosale. Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. , New Delhi, ISBN: 978-81-8356-798-5. 2011; 100-108.)
  • Dhar, A.; Singh, M.; Pai, R.V.; Das, B.P. (Physical Review A. 84(3); 2011; Article ID: 033631.)
    We analyze the various phases exhibited by a system of ultracold bosons in a periodic optical superlattice using the mean-field decoupling approximation. We investigate for a wide range of commensurate and incommensurate ...
  • Kundaiker, G.V.; Pissurlekar, V.J.; Tangsali, R.B.; Budkuley, J.S. (Mathematical Aspects of Physical Concepts and Physical Aspects of Mathematical Concepts, Ed. By: B.N. Bhosale. Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. , New Delhi, ISBN: 978-81-8356-798-5. 2011; 130-136.)
  • Joseph, J.; Tangsali, R.B. (Mathematical Aspects of Physical Concepts and Physical Aspects of Mathematical Concepts, Ed. By: B.N. Bhosale. Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. , New Delhi, ISBN: 978-81-8356-798-5. 2011; 115-120.)
  • Murthy, P.S.R.; Priolkar, K.R.; Bhobe, P.A.; Das, A.; Sarode, P.R.; Nigam, A.K. (European Physical Journal B. 78(3); 2010; 275-282.)
    Effect of Co, Ru and Cu substitution at B and B' sites on the magnetic and transport properties of LaSrCoRuO(6) have been investigated. All the doped compositions crystallize in the monoclinic structure in the space group ...
  • Raut-Dessai, R.; Desa, J.A.E.; Sen, D.; Mazumdar, S. (AIP Conf. Proc. 1313. 2010; 313-315.)
    Microspheres of silica having an average diameter of 20mu have been compacted and sintered at 640 degrees C for 3 hrs, 6 hrs and 24 hrs according to an established schedule. The characterization of these porous materials ...
  • Lawrence, M.B.; Desa, J.A.E.; Aswal, V.K.; Badiger, M.V. (AIP Conf. Proc. 1313. 2010; 373-375.)
  • Murthy, P.S.R.; Priolkar, K.R.; Bhobe, P.A.; Das, A.; Sarode, P.R.; Nigam, A.K. (Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322(22); 2010; 3704-3709.)
    This paper reports effect of thermally induced disorder on the magnetic properties of LaSrCoRuO6 double perovskite. While the ordered sample is antiferromagnetic, the disordered sample exhibits negative values of magnetization ...
  • Mishra, T.; Pai, R.V.; Das, B.P. (Physical Review B. 81(2); 2010; Article ID: 024503.)
    We present a scenario where a supersolid is induced in one of the components of a mixture of two species bosonic atoms where there are no long-range interactions. We study a system of normal and hard-core boson mixture ...

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