Physics: Recent submissions

  • Priolkar, K.R.; Prabhu, R.B.; Sarode, P.R.; Ganesan, V; Raj, P.; Sathyamoorthy, A. (Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter. 10(20); 1998; 4413-4422.)
    Electrical resistivity measurements on compounds belonging to CeSi(2-x)Ga(x) (0.7 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 1.3) have been performed. The samples in this concentration range show a smooth crossover from ...
  • Prabhu, R.B.; Kamat-Dalal, V.N.; Desa, J.B.C.E.; Bhatia, S.N. (Solid State Communications. 104(9); 1997; 565-567.)
    Measurement of resistivity and thermopower on the antiferromagnetic system MnTexSe1-x are reported for various values of x. Magnon drag contribution to the thermopower was also detected and measured in all the cases. ...
  • Priolkar, K.R.; Pattalwar, S.M.; Mishra, P.K.; Raj, P.; Sathyamoorthy, A.; Dhar, S.K.; Sahni, V.C.; Sarode, P.R.; Prabhu, R.B. (Solid State Communications. 104(2); 1997; 71-73.)
    Crystal structure, resistivity, specific heat and magnetic susceptibility of CeSi(0.6)Ga(1.4) have been studied. The compound crystallizes in AlB2 type structure. The magnetic ordering temperature is reduced further from ...
  • Priolkar, K.R.; Prabhu, R.B.; Sarode, P.R.; Rao, M.N.; Paranjpe, S.K.; Raj, P.; Sathyamoorthy, A. (Solid State Communications. 101(11); 1997; 825-829.)
    Inelastic neutron scattering studies on two cerium Kondo systems, CeSiGa and CeSn(2)In are reported. In CeSiGa the thermal evolution of the quasielastic line width indicates a strong competition between Kondo and RKKY ...
  • D'Sa, J.B.C.E.; Priolkar, K.R.; Sarode, P.R.; Prabhu, R.B. (Solid State Physics (India), Ed. by: S.L. Chaplot, P.S.R. Krishna and T. Sakuntala. Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi. 44; 2002; 491-492.)
    We report our electrical resistivity measurements on NaCl type MnSe(1-y)Te(y) y=(0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5) as a function of temperature. Alt the samples show activation type behaviour and energy gap decreasing with increasing Te ...
  • Lal, R.; Awana, V.P.S.; Pandey, S.P.; Yadav, V.S.; Varandani, D.; Narlikar, A.V.; Chhikara, A.; Gmelin, E. (Physical Review B. 51(1); 1995; 539-546.)
    Systematic measurements of the resistivity of the polycrystalline samples of the YBa(2)(Cu(1−x)M(x))(4)O(8) system with M=Fe, Ni are reported. The resistivity behavior depends strongly on the dopant concentration. For the ...
  • Sarode, P.R.; Priolkar, K.R.; Prabhu, R.B. (Proc. DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, B.A.R.C., Bombay, 27-31 Dec 1993. 1993; 116.)
  • Sarode, P.R. (X-Ray Spectrometry. 22(3); 1993; 138-144.)
    Asymmetry indices, chemical shifts and full widths at half maximum intensity (FWHM) of the chromium K-alpha sub(1) and K-alpha sub(2) x-ray emission lines were studied in chromium metal, some of its divalent, trivalent, ...
  • Prabhu, R.B.; Sarode, P.R.; Priolkar, K.R.; Paranjape, S.K. (Proc. DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, B.A.R.C., Bombay, 27-31 Dec 1993. 1993; 411.)
  • D'Sa, J.B.C.E.; Bhobe, P.A.; Priolkar, K.R.; Das, A.; Paranjpe, S.K; Prabhu, R.B.; Sarode, P.R. (Solid State Physics (India), Ed. by: S.L. Chaplot, P.S.R. Krishna and T. Sakuntala. Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi. 44; 2002; 435-436.)
    We report our neutron diffraction studies at low temperature on MnTe. The low temperature data indicates presence of another crystallographic phase along with the high temperature antiferromagnetic hexagonal phase. This ...

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