Physics: Recent submissions

  • D'Sa, J.B.C.E.; Priolkar, K.R.; Prabhu, R.B.; Sarode, P.R.; KamatDalal, V.N.; Vasanthacharya, N.Y. (Solid State Physics (India), Ed. by: S.L. Chaplot, P.S.R. Krishna and T. Sakuntala. Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi. 44; 2002; 453-454.)
    Electrical resistivity and magnetic susceptibility measurements of antiferromagnetic p-type semiconductor MnTe are presented in the 20K-300K range. A sharp increase in susceptibility at about 80K is observed and reported ...
  • Prabhu, R.B.; Barbosa, A.F. (Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research. 178(2); 1993; 431-440.)
    A self-consistent perburbation theory to calculate magnetoresistivity, susceptibility, and the Hall constant for the crystal field split cerium based systems is employed. In this theory, excitonic and other correlations ...
  • Prabhu, R.S. (Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research. 151(2); 1989; K141-K143.)
  • Prabhu, R.B.; Barbosa, A.F. (Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research. 151(1); 1989; K45-K48.)
  • Vishnoi, A.D.; Sapre, V.B.; Mande, C. (X-Ray Spectrometry. 17(6); 1988; 213-215.)
    The shape and near edge structure of the L sub(III) absorption discontinuity of tungsten in some rare earth tungstates, RE sub(2)(WO sub4))sub(3), were studied using a 40 cm Cauchois-type transmission x-ray spectrograph. ...
  • Prabhu, R.B.; Tangsali, R.B. (Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research. 149(2); 1988; 623-632.)
    Self-consistent perturbation theory is employed for the calculation of physical quantities in mixed valence systems. A single impurity U -> infinity Anderson model is considered with and without crystalline field splitting. ...
  • Deshpande, A.P.; Sapre, V.B.; Mande, C. (Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Research. 145(1); 1988; 77-88.)
    The EXAFS data of the K absorption discontinuity of copper in some ternary chalcogenides obtained earlier are reanalysed using the graphical method originally proposed by Lytle, Sayers, and Stern. It is shown that the ...
  • Desa, J.A.E.; Wright, A.C.; Sinclair, R.N. (Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 99(2to3); 1988; 276-288.)
    Neutron diffraction techniques have been employed to obtain an accurate high-resolution real space correlation function for vitreous GeO2. The GeO bond length is found to be 1.739 + and the rms bond length variation 0.048 ...
  • Priolkar, K.R.; Rao, M.N.; Paranjpe, S.K.; Raj, P.; Sathyamoorthy, A.; Sarode, P.R.; Prabhu, R.B. (Solid State Phys DAE Symp. 39c; 1996; 138.)
  • Sudhir, C. (Sensors and Transducers. 197(2); 2016; 1-13.)
    Surface-enhanced Raman scattering has recently become a powerful vibrational spectroscopic tool for numerous applications in physical, chemical, biological as well as medical science. Apart from a chemical enhancement ...

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