Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy (CSSEIP): Recent submissions

  • Gawas, V.M. (International Journal of Law. 3(4); 2017; 248-253.)
    The present paper makes a modest attempt to analyze the provisions of the fifth schedule of India constitution. It in fact a humble attempt to scrutinize the provision from the angle of land alienation, money lending, ...
  • Gawas, V.M. (Broadway Publishing House, Panaji, Goa. 2016; 166pp.)
  • Gawas, V.M. (Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies. 3(21); 2015; 1162-1175.)
    It is interesting to know the kind of initiative that has taken by the state Government for the Empowerment of Vendors in Goa. The State Vendors policy, Strategies, Programmes are the political Manifestos during the ...
  • Gawas, V.M. (Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science & English Language. 2(11); 2015; 2880-2893.)
    This paper attempts to highlight the lack of tribal development as well as legal attention through governance in the state of Goa. It has developed in a conceptual model of inclusive framework based on survey. A survey ...
  • Gawas, V.M. (Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science & English Language. 2(12); 2015; 3105-3116.)
    Fiducially the Tribal Community in Goa has been most Vulnerable Section in the Unequal, Domination and Exploitation ridden society. In regard, the ratio of Tribal people is living below poverty line, and their socio- ...
  • Gawas, V.M. (Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies. 3(20); 2015; 855-865.)
    The present Paper aims to analyze and evaluate the ideas of B.R. Ambedkar, a Chief architect of Indian constitution and a great political philosopher, who laid down the foundations of a truly democratic in secular country. ...
  • Gawas, V.M. (Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies. 3(20); 2015; 837-854.)
    It is interesting to know the kind of initiative steps that has taken by the state Government to lead the developmental programmes, and Empowerment of Scheduled Tribes the Gawda, Kunbi and velip Communities in Goa. The ...
  • Gawas, V.M.; Velip, M. (Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies. 3(19); 2015; 563-579.)
    The tribes like Gawda, Kunbi and Velip are the first settlers of Goa. It is very difficult to reconstruct their early history as literary sources are not available for the same. The available evidence, particularly ...
  • Dubhashi, P.R. (Babasaheb Ambedkar Gaurav Granth, Ed. by: Vinayak Naik, Shambhu Bhau Bandekar and Shrimant Mali. Samajkalyan Sanchalanalay, Goa. 1991; 129-130)
  • Gawas, V.M. (Tribal Development: Issue, Challenges and Perspective, Vol. 2, Ed. By: Hement Kothari; P.S. Bhatnagar. Udaipur Pacific Institute of Tribal Development (Rajasthan). 2014; 138-147.)

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