Fiducially the Tribal Community in Goa has been most Vulnerable Section in the Unequal, Domination and Exploitation ridden society. In regard, the ratio of Tribal people is living below poverty line, and their socio- economic conditions are poorest. Even before pre and post colonial periods, the unchanged condition of Tribal peoples like Gawda, Kunbi and Velip are leading life of social exclusion in the state of Goa. The violation of fundamental human rights and the state cruelty has been committed against on Tribal Communities. In the state of Goa for last many decades the Tribal Communities being fully isolated and faced Social discrimination in the society. While understanding of current Tribal societies is need a basic respect to the historical processes, which have determined the course of succeeding changes in political, Economic and socio- cultural life of the Tribal communities in Goa. The Indian democratic state accords several statutes in the constitution where the Rights of Tribal communities are protected and Social Justice is determined. However, the current democratic experiment has not been successful. In order, the first movement began from Tribal’s Communities to fight their Rights in the state of Goa. All Tribal people within or outside of state have a thing in commonthey all share a history of injustice. The present paper explores within the largerframework of human rights in general and how Tribal rights violated in particular in the state of Goa.