dc.description.abstract |
Speiropsis pedatospora, an aero-aquatic fungus, was isolated from submerged plant litter in freshwater streams from India. Based on analysis of combined ITS and LSU sequence data, the species was positioned in the family Weisneriomycetaceae, as a sister group to Tubeufiales in the Dothideomycetes, instead of its current placement in the order Jahnulales. Speiropsis pedatospora, is the type species of the genus Speiropsis, is morphologically characterised by macronematous, mononematous, erect, branched conidiophores, polyblastic, denticulate, discrete conidiogeneous cells and long catenate conidia linearly joined by narrow, small isthmi. All asexual morph members of Weisneriomycetaceae with isthmospores are morphologically similar to the genus Speiropsis. |