IR @ Goa University

Histochemical localization of polyphosphate (Poly P) granules and lipid bodies in intraradical mycelium of two Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (AM) fungi

Show simple item record Radhika, K.P. Rodrigues, B.F. 2017-03-08T04:31:58Z 2017-03-08T04:31:58Z 2008
dc.identifier.citation Kavaka. 36_2008_13-18.
dc.description.abstract Pure cultures of two AM fungal species viz., Gigaspora albida Schenck & Smith and Glomus clarum Nicolson & Schenck were used to study the localization of polyP granules and lipid bodies respectively using histochemical stains. Accumulation of polyP granules was located in the intercellular hyphae in roots inoculated with Gi. albida which stained pinkish purple in Toluidine blue O at pH 1. In G. clarum, accumulation of lipid bodies was observed in the form of droplets of varying sizes in the intraradical hyphae and in spores, which stained bluish black in Sudan Black. Trypan blue staining was also carried out to check AM fungal root colonization. Besides hyphae, arbuscules and vesicles, intraradical spores also showed staining with trypan blue.
dc.subject Botany
dc.title Histochemical localization of polyphosphate (Poly P) granules and lipid bodies in intraradical mycelium of two Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (AM) fungi
dc.type Journal article

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