UV-B radiation (0.8 plus or minus 0.1 mW cm-2) and UV-B radiation supplemented with low intensity PAR (approx. 80 mu mol m-2 s-1) affected photosynthesis at the level of antenna system as well as PSII reaction centre (Fo and Fm declined) in Phormidium corium (Agardh) Gomont. UV-B radiation resulted in decline in sugar content, peroxidation of membrane lipids as well as quantitative and qualitative changes in phosphoglycolipids and neutral lipids. Fatty acid profile did not show any qualitative changes due to the treatment, however, UV-B supplemented with low PAR resulted in slightly higher level of unsaturation. P. corium synthesized MAAs in response to UV-B. Quantity of MAAs increased when UV-B treatment was supplemented with low level PAR.