96 species of 42 genera representating 18 families of 10 orders of Chlorophyta were collected from Parsem, Pernem taluka of Goa Collections were made from habitats like paddy fields, temple pond, temporarily formed puddles and streams. The genera recorded exclusively in Mahadev temple pond were Chlorogonium, Coleochaetae, Chlamydomonas, Volvulina, Eudorina, Chaetophora, Pandorina, Pediastrum, Hormidium, Gloeocystis, Apiocystis, Phacotus, Chlorosarcinopsis and Desmidium. The genera found exclusively in paddy fields are Uronema, Sirogonium, Hyalotheca, Arthrodesmus, Characium, Zygnema, Chlorella and Oocystis. Draparnaldiopsis and Spirotaenia were found in stream. The present work is aimed at the documentation of freshwater algae of Goa.