Consumer behaviour has been considered as one of the most dynamic and ever changing aspects in the business environment. The tastes and preferences of consumers differs from person to person, place to place and even on the basis of products in hand. The study of consumer behaviour, therefore becomes very important to get an idea on the preference, so that adequate product or services can be designed and te marketing research to be channelized in this direction. With the emergence of online retailing, the situation has become more complex and even more dynamic. There has been a substantial change in the consumer preferences post emergence of e-retailing and the market is catching up with the e-platforms to understand the consumer behaviour especially on the online platforms. In this light, an attempt has been made to study the various factors, that affect the overall decision making skills of a consumer to seal a deal. The geographical territory of Goa has been chosen for the study to evaluate and understand the factors influencing in consumer behaviour in online retail.