Dividend policy contributes significantly to the company's performance as well as its survival and growth. Formulation of such policy is a challenging task to the firm as it conveys positive signal about the company to its investors. In India, the impact of dividend announcement has been examined extensively, but its impact on the service sector companies is relatively unobserved. The purpose of this study is to conduct a detailed and systematic review of dividend announcement and analyze the effect of dividend announcement on stock prices of the service providing companies listed on National Stock Exchange of India. The study employs the event study methodology with an event window of 31 days. The study is carried out for a period ranging from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2019. The findings of the study revealed that the stock prices react towards the dividend announcement event of the companies and thus there is a significant impact of dividend announcement on the stock prices during the event window which led to generation of abnormal returns.