Many studies have been done regarding individual habits in the psychology and health domain, but there are relatively fewer studies in management studies. According to scholars, there is a gap between an individual's attitude and behaviour towards Sustainability, meaning that while the individual may have a favourable attitude towards Sustainability, their conduct does not reflect that attitude. The theory of cognitive dissonance has done an excellent job of explaining that discrepancy. In the present scenario, organization are changing their business models to meet consumer demands which are more inclined towards Sustainability nowadays. This research aims to fill this attitude-behaviour gap in the environmental Sustainability of employees working in the hospitality sector by analysing the moderating effect of mindfulness in this relationship. For a long-term behavioural commitment towards Sustainability, the study of desired habitual patterns and the effect of green rewards in the relationship of Pro-environmental attitude, Pro-environmental behaviour and Pro-environmental habit is theorized through this conceptual paper with scales for their analysis. Pro-environmental and Green have been interchangeably used in this conceptual paper.