कविता, कथा, कादंबरी, नाटक, या वाङमयप्रकारांना लाभलेली प्रतिष्ठा क्वचितच इतर वाङमयप्रकार आणि त्यांच्या उपप्रकारांना लाभली. निबंध, चरित्र – आत्मचरित्र, प्रवासवर्णन, व्यक्तीचित्रण या प्रकारांना मिळालेली प्रसिद्धी ही त्या ...
ArchanaKumar; Chaubey, A.; Sathish, A.S.(Education and Society. 2(1); 2023; 49-61.)
With the advent of various trends in the technological domain, with Artificial Intelligence taking over a number of jobs hitherto handled by humans, it has become highly imperative for the youth to be equipped to face the ...
Chaubey, A.; Manger, S.(Third Concept: An International Journal of Ideas. 37(442); 2023; 104-107.)
Is a blog really an extension of the individual who is writing it? Or is it an exercise into fantasies and selfglorification? Is it a space for expression of the censored thoughts and desires in the public domain? What ...
Silveira, I.; Barreto-Alberto, L.(Atas do I Congresso Internacional do Meio Milénio de Camões, Macau 24-25 de fevereiro de 2024, Macau: Rede Camões na Ásia & África, Edi. by Felipe de Saavedra. 2024; 104-113.)
Louis Camoens (Luis de Camoes) est le grand poète portugais à l’échelle des auteurs nationaux tels que William Shakespeare pour l’Angleterre et Molière pour la France. Il donne au Portugal sa grande épopée Os Lusiadas, en ...